< a href="http://wheneverithinkofyou.blogspot.com/"> Music is My Life

Music is My Life

Call my name and save me fr the darkz..

Monday, May 26, 2003

well well look @ the time.. it 2:09 already.. juz came back fr supper plus some chating abt relationship wif my gd old buddy BEN LIM ate hokkien mee and duck rice.. :X well... both FOOD suck no way i eating there anymore.. but we also bo bian 1am looking for food.. we walk fr aljunied to maperson road
till we found some store that is still open~ well.. got open also sucky food..haiz... me and my poor stomach.. :(

well b4 that.. in the afternoon.. really nth to do.. keep upgrading my blog wif some poll *as u can see below*.. hehe... tt my 1st poll wif stupid question and some stupid answer.. and only 3 person TAKE part the POLL.. I mean WAT THE HELL.. so long le... only 3person viewing this Blog.. well feel like deleting this Blog. so i pray to tee kong pls bring passer-by and log in this BLog pls pls pls~ and the tag board~ it god damn quiet..~ :(

mean while... been helping huiling^_^ wif her blog. haha... i noe it quite stupid only a cat @ the background wif nth else... well.. AS long she like it... i make for her lor.. keke.. but puting tt as a background i haf to ask my ex-classmate how to do it.. thankz god he noe how to resize tt picture.. so i wan to thankz him~ *thankz hanson~*

o ya.. charmanine and KS.. Happy 1mth anni!! may BLessing pour a upon u 2~ =P

ok lar... quite late le.. and i quite smell~ so gonna take a bath, then maybe play some games then haf my see the future dream haha..


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