< a href="http://wheneverithinkofyou.blogspot.com/"> Music is My Life

Music is My Life

Call my name and save me fr the darkz..

Monday, June 30, 2003

ok guys~
my blog haven't update since June12 as my com got some problem.. can't this can't that... which i am fcking pissed wif it.. so till now i really cannot ta han le..
i go reformat my com..
ta-TA ... i'm back to this blog againz..

so so... really wan to see this blog active againz..
gonna take time to change all the template... changing all the design... soon.. ya and i mean. soon... i gonna create a skin for my own..
but now... i still playing wif my flash... working on something animation lor..
was playing wif my animation shop 3 last nite... and turn adel into a cat

well.. adel dun mind ar... i post the picture here...

pls tag something ba... KS ..if u tag now... u got the chance to tag it 1st~!
dun say i bo remind u...

plus i was so panic.. i forgot my angel fire user name..
heng i recall it back..

see adel become a cat here



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