< a href="http://wheneverithinkofyou.blogspot.com/"> Music is My Life

Music is My Life

Call my name and save me fr the darkz..

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

lol.. Handphone = Bug mode..
the miss call screen = does not work anymore..
phone spoiling liao le wor... now been searching of webby to see which model shld i use liao le wor..
n-Gage hmm.. dunno wor... not worth for me ba? it dun really interest it like taking GameBoy going out and play.. =D
think most prob la... will be buying the upcoming model.. nokia one de...
tt one look like 3650 and 7650 one de..
look coolz...
no way i getting 6610 or 6100 .. dun really like it.. coz so many ppl using it..
haf to be special abit..
the n-nage will think abt it 1st la..
saturday coming liao le... guess service gonna be great huh?
abt inner healing... so frenz.. who are look @ these blog..
interested to come??


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