< a href="http://wheneverithinkofyou.blogspot.com/"> Music is My Life

Music is My Life

Call my name and save me fr the darkz..

Sunday, March 14, 2004

argh... juz wanna keep myself awake for not falling back to slp b4 i went back to my camp.. so come and write some stuff..
aww..so tired... think slept for only 5½hr only... guess it is my habit of sleeping ba... when i woke up this morning @ 1030 i wanna slp back one de... then walk to the living room.. and saw ScV movie.. channel 62.. the chinese Star movie..
doing stupid show... and i also stupid enough to follow the stupid "mR vampire" show...making me cannot slp... after the movie... i catch another movie on HBO... blade 2... and too stupid to miss it... basically juz wasting my time wandering around in my house..instead of resting...

sigh... this morning miss my jogging session... guess was too tired to jog le ba.. then my sis go jog without me... saying i sleeping like a pig le... how she dare to wake me up.. *crapz*
well... think she also wei wo hao ba...
eversince E195 mulitply.. i miss the ppl so much... miss all the crap.. jokes and stupidness of it... think need a outing for all of us ba...
go pack my things liao le.... see ya all nx wk~~


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