< a href="http://wheneverithinkofyou.blogspot.com/"> Music is My Life

Music is My Life

Call my name and save me fr the darkz..

Saturday, January 28, 2006

yay.. today is CNY eve already!!
time to get lots hong bao!!
so b4 CNY reach.. i gonna confess everything out lo.. all my "bu shuan" feeling.

1st i gotta complain is the chingay thingy..
well, as some of you, been with me, i will talk abt chingay stuff. saying how fun is it all these. but juz happen recently i feel it sucks!
but it not the tiring training.
it the ppl inside that pissed me off!(only 1 person)
SHE is really really is very talkative!!
i mean while we doing stuff. pls dun come and disturb us la!
i mean it alright to be talkative, but do you need to come and command ppl to do everything, while YOU nv even do anything.
Just Take it, everyone is pushing the tower! even a younger and skinner girl wanted to help! YET u just stand around there, saying "this is not the way to push the tower" "move towards that side..."
i really pray that You CAN stop all these nonsense, i find it very irratating!!
OK, if you said you weak, skinning no str, ok i understand, but everyone is also tired, but even a girl that younger then you , also offer to help.

And somemore, IF u wanna tell everybody a msg!! GATHER THE WHOLE TEAM LA! wat for, Just passing one super long msg to one person! and ask that person to pass to the whole team?!
WHY can't you just gather everyone?! when everyone is just beside the messenger!!
seriously! i dunno how to explain you sia!

Last but not least! When everyone is pushing the tower back to the store~ why dun you just save your energy and go back and talk!
we are only 1 metre awy from the store
then u gei siao put ur plam on the rack, i mean save it la.
we haf more then enough manpower.
SOMEMORE we haf manhood, no need you to waste ur energy. just go to the vending machine buy lemon tea and sit down la.

ok. confess liao.. feeling a bit shuan.
then i shall forgive and forget~!

ok la.. i will write later.. coz now i have to go "lao yu sheng" liao
update later about wat my new yr xin xi wan later!~

so tata~~
< a href="http://wheneverithinkofyou.blogspot.com/">