< a href="http://wheneverithinkofyou.blogspot.com/"> Music is My Life

Music is My Life

Call my name and save me fr the darkz..

Friday, January 27, 2006

You Should Be A Cancer

What's good about you: you're incredibly kind, caring, and generous

What's bad about you: you can be too moody and impossible to understand

In love: you enjoy wining and dining the object of your affection

In friendship, you're: likely to depend on other friends for emotional support

Your ideal job: historian, marine biologist, or religious figure

Your sense of fashion: you dress to match your mood

You like to pig out on: classic home cooked meals, like mac and cheese
Wow, i'm suppose to be a cancer in sign?? but i'm a freaking libra!! for heaven sake! i suppose to be romantic and stuff~! but why am i a cancer? i suppose to be a total Charmer!! high Charisma personel!! suppose to be very creative and stuff~!
yet i'm a cancer!
ok maybe there are some point are true..
My mood can really moody, when no one don't even noe!! coz i always put up smile! maybe i really noe how to keep my emotion~~ but one day if i'm really blown up! i really will shout and scream!
next will be the circle of frenz~ haha yea like to TCSS wif frenzx, tell them wat had happen, share some feeling~~
and Fashion! seriously~! i really like to dress acrodding to my mood~!
normally will wear some bright colours that why ppl can always see me carrying a cheerful smile!!
as for food.. is cheese counted? coz i think i juz learnt its nice.. :X
Ok now in office, i dun think i can blog that much, coz i really wanna tell u all how
"good" is my office..
haha sign off now!!
see ya all~!


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