< a href="http://wheneverithinkofyou.blogspot.com/"> Music is My Life

Music is My Life

Call my name and save me fr the darkz..

Thursday, February 02, 2006

another day slacking in office, as boss is not around in office~ haha
so i decided to blog during office hours. (anyway lunch time soon, no harm rite?)

Chingay is drawing near and near le~~ the preview will start tml, (Friday,3/2/06) and the real thingy that will show on national TV will be on Saturday 4/2/06.

So training it getting more and more tight. i pulling and pushing the tower, i think it drain almost my 80% energy.. haha seriously this long hours of "training" i think it worst then SOC. haha.. it is so so TIRED~!
Ya, i believed i forgot to do some minor warm up b4 the training.. while pushing the tower, and pulling down the curtain, i felt a sudden cramp.. wahaha.. it gonna be the worst cramp i ever haf!! then i drop down, and touching my leg groaning in pain.. but after 10min of rest.. i do some skrecting.. ya then feel much better~

the training haf cause me to reach home around 12am.. bath and haf to slp le.. not going to have any night life for me.. till chingay its over. as The next day i still have work, at 830am~

and ya.. because of the training, haha the tapes i own ru ting, i have yet to pass to her.. haha almost a wk already.. i hope she still remember the story~ haf to postpond till sunday night then can pass to her, i guess~ -.-

And for louis! pls la... u forget to bring the oranges.. then nvm la.. no need come back and give back the oranges to my mom.. so funny loh..
anyway we got so many oranges le.. more then enough le.. haha..

but WB, remember! sunday we gonna go every member house and pai nian~ :D
juz a reminder!

kk.. now offical lunch time le.. time to go SimLimSquare le.. :D
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