< a href="http://wheneverithinkofyou.blogspot.com/"> Music is My Life

Music is My Life

Call my name and save me fr the darkz..

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

yay... finally chingay 2006 is completly over!!
finally can get the rest i wan!
always dun haf enough slp~ yet ppl still dunno, how tired i am~ -.-
anyway... sorry for blogging for 3 days... as i don't have the chance to use my sis lappy this 3 days...
as i cannot get "lin gan" in my office~
so finally tonite can use the laptop~
my stupid computer, still no haf time to get it change its graphic card..

Sorry ar... this posting... think it gotta be from the bottom of my heart already..
i seriously cannot ta han my boss already..
sorry for long and boring non-ficton story~

this morning i was happily going to work.
so when i reached office, as usual i was clearing my E-mail,checking is there anything to do.
so when the time for breakfast reach, my frenz came into my office jioing me for breakfast. (in fact my bosses is already at the coffee-shop eatting breakfast 1hr ago)
so i think 1hr for him shld be enough la. so i went on with my frenz.
but when i reach the coffeeshop.. instead of Gd morning! he come and scold me.. saying .. "now office no ppl.. why do u come for breakfast? i tell you many time, i dun like ppl "chanting" me one de!~" do you know, the clothes u wearing, is getting more and more fashion?"

at that time, i of coz abit buay lun liao le... at least let me haf some peace la.. it breakfast lei... Since you scared there no one in office,You've Already eaten. Why Don't you go back office?(isn't that a supervisor and workers be?
since you dun like ppl chanting you.. then stop doing the wrong thing la.. even a 3yr old kid know how to zi tong.
instead sitting down there talking cock! and for ppl to feed you Cig!! if u wanna smoke go buy la!
Clothes that i'm wearing? ok maybe this point i'm in the wrong.. but fck, even the commander, DSTO, even HEAD S&T see me wearing like that... they dun even gif a damn...why would you! u are my supervisor lei.. can't u be more supportive?
just because you are regular u can wear like till you are going Orchard, why can't a NS boy wear? Is it Fair?!
KNN, last wk we talk to you abt your attitude, telling you how to change.. yes! u've change.. but we wan you to change for the better not from Bad tO WORST!! u stil fcking dun understand!

Hey i warning you! just because i gonna ORD, u cannot be pushing me around ok?!
u CB, ppl is relax relax during ORD period.. u still wan stress me over a small matter.. wat your problem..
but sorry to tell you that, u already snap my red wire le.. the bomb have goes off.. already blast the ICE berg, making the snow coming down from the mountain, i already decide to start another cold war wif you~

don't wan to see me during breakfast rite? coz need ppl inside office rite?
do you remember the whole office nv eat breakfast with you? (yea bcoz u are too irratating!)
dun say breakfast la.. how bt lunch, also no one go wif u rite??
pls loh... u already "Bu shou huan yin" in our office liao, knn why do u still wanna make ur life miserable~?

Anyway, dun feel like talking abt it anymore.. coz i type and type.. then mSn keep coming.. some jokes and comfort there.. making me dun feel like writing abt this PArrot again..

O.. i forgot to tell u... MY BOSS is a parrot!!

phew.~ that it.. feel so much better after telling ppl how my life is, in NS..
still say police is relax... mental stress you know? haha
i think i shall continue my happy during office hour tml...
this post making me sick, if i continue writing~

thanks for reading anyway!
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