< a href="http://wheneverithinkofyou.blogspot.com/"> Music is My Life: 06/01/2003 - 06/08/2003

Music is My Life

Call my name and save me fr the darkz..

Wednesday, June 04, 2003

hmm... been long time for me boh touch this blogger thing le... not say nth to post... it tons of thing of thing to say... but LAzy to type... :P
well... been awake for abt 24hr... nv slept for one nite!! god... coz Louis and Ahseng came to my house and taking over my room!
well if they dun slp... how can i slp... so if ya can't beat them... JOIN THEM!

well... lucky they left @ abt 930 in the morning~ ar boh really no need slp le.. but who noes~ @ tt time i was Quite Awake!! ha... then ta han till 1pm... watching cable tv show~ ya... frenz... i juz got a Cable teebee~ *horray*!

aiyah... i muz amit i dun really write lar... but i always haf mind for creative thinking and designing... guess this blog gonna be deleted or smt... then i juz design my own webby suan le...

anyone agree wif me?

Sunday, June 01, 2003

hey guys... the picture link is up!!
only got 2 pic only..as i juz reformat my com... so guess haf to get other ppl to send me~
do check out the pic part~
o it sunday againz... joined ben's Cg for service this morning~ as saturday i can't make it~
ya~ got something to share wif u all~ today we went to the Lee Wei Song school of music!!! wow it great!!! those guys who nv attended wah... u guys are missing something GOOD! yeah and i mean G.O.o.D! wah their lesson is so fun one de... They tok abt music composing melody composing lyrics writing! music arrangement.
so the student of thiers always write song one de lor.. like those hot hot music star rite? their song all wrote bt the student one de. It juz like everytime classwork//homework. Then the Song brother juz upgrade it whenever they haf problem!

it simply B.e.a.utiful~!!

ya and got their goodie bag.~ haha... 3 cd for free~~

o... one more abt food~ @ jurong point the basment foodcourt wah... ate the TempanYaki Chicken wah... it VERY nice!! it a muz Try dishes~ $5:90 though
feeling rich today keke :X

< a href="http://wheneverithinkofyou.blogspot.com/">