< a href="http://wheneverithinkofyou.blogspot.com/"> Music is My Life: 05/25/2003 - 06/01/2003

Music is My Life

Call my name and save me fr the darkz..

Saturday, May 31, 2003

haha!! today go intensive training for percussion freakz~ and really going Devil training!! haha... got so many bruises on my HAND!! so far i count got abt 6..which is abt to bursT!! omg it so PAIN!! i cannot take it anymore!! gonna FAIth or smt~ as u all notice i change the song to "faint" heehe... nice song... by Linkin PArk who wan a better version of the song~ juz msn me~ @ wind_soh@hotmail.com ~

Thursday, May 29, 2003

o ya.. my poor finger... left index finger... and rite baby finger... kena injured coz of overplaying the drum.. =X

cute flirt
Cute Flirt

What Kind of FLIRT are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
haha... long time bo update this blog le... well.. been busy.. haha.. Busy playing a game which is still in Beta server testing... so grab a bunch of online buddy and chiong the game upside down.. o ya.. the game is call Ragnarok Online~[RO]~ well some of u might b4... but let me tell u this is a fun game! it a muz try game!! well.. now the beta server wan to Ban all SG player as Singapore gonna haf its own RO's server it gonna stop letting SG player play.. wah kaoz wat crap sia.. -.- make me stop when i starting to haf fun.. This is so UNFAIR!

well anyway... juz came back fr suntec.. went for movie... Bruce ALMIGHTY!!! muahaha it a gd lame funnny Show!!! well it sure it FUNNY it a Muz see show if u are feeling Down!! well... it DID cheer me up when i watch this show!! if u are feeling normal and wan to throw $ to the movie... or juz wan to haf a GD laugh~ pls pls pls go see the show!! 3 1/2 star for the show~

well after the movie went to the arcade beside it~ haha... Time Crisis 3... it KICK ass... so fun, it shake my world!~! muahha...beisde tt play the percussion freakz~ wor ho... somehow i haf master to play the game... last tiime play wif this drum game... sure lose till siao... well... go through "training" i can pass the game easily~~ haha... and started to play harder song!! yeah yeah!!! charmanine!! when u gonna train wif me!! HAHAHA!!!

o ya.. b4 i going to the movie i quite pissed lor... as fr monday... i been asking my frenz to go to the Peral River and eat Buffet and they always say Yes... yet kena drop aeroplane..~ well i ta han for 3 day... then yesterday which is wednesday i ask them thursday can go anot.. they say they are free... confirm can! well... once and againz kena drop plane~ haiz!! give me all kind of lame excuse~

well... nx time muz wait till they jio me... which they rEALLy reallY reALly confirm then i will go.~~ haiz.. sick and tired of being drop aeroplane... the feeling not great hor~~
heng @ least got see the movie... ar boh... i now... will be deleting this blog le.. =)

Muz be god's will :X

see ya~

Tuesday, May 27, 2003

well well... hear the delication fr my meimei again!!
in order not to be bias.. i put this song... Popular and nice!!
sorry for the louya sound..coz i compress the song till very small ar boh 56ker can log in~ :X

mei ar mei... mai sad hor... ;P cheer up..

let this song BRING U TO LIFE!! againz~

Monday, May 26, 2003

ahem... talentine is reaching very soon!! is this WEDNESDAY!! omg omg time to PAniC~~!!! actually i dun really haf the confident to pass the auth~ but no confident is already fail halfway rite? so no matter wat... i gonna do my best.. spend my whole day prat my on my dear bass guitar~ playing 1st love well timing is everything... since we haf no drummer... everyone muz listen to my command!! :X
only edit little on Huiling's blog nth much only change the Bgrd colour.. hmm pls tee kong bless me wif some creativity so tt i can design nice nice thing for everyone!!
well chat wif u guys later tonite thenz~

Taking Over

Your lyrics

You don't remember me,
But I remember you.
I lie awake and try so hard,
Not to think of you.
But who (who) can (can) decide,
What they dream ?
And dream I do...
I believe in you.
I'll give up everything just to find you.
I have to be with you, to live, to breathe,
You're taking over me.
Have you forgotten all I know,
And all we had ?
You saw me mourning my love for you,
And touched my hand.
I knew you loved me then.
I believe in you.
I'll give up everything just to find you.
I have to be with you, to live, to breathe,
You're taking over me.
I look in the mirror and see your face.
If I look deep enough.
So many things inside that are just like you are
taking over.
I believe in you.
I'll give up everything just to find you.
I have to be with you, to live, to breathe,
You're taking over me.
I believe in you.
I'll give up everything just to find you.
I have to be with you, to live, to breathe,
You're taking over me,
(You're taking over me),
You're taking over me,
(Taking over me), Taking over me.

What Evanescence song are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

well well look @ the time.. it 2:09 already.. juz came back fr supper plus some chating abt relationship wif my gd old buddy BEN LIM ate hokkien mee and duck rice.. :X well... both FOOD suck no way i eating there anymore.. but we also bo bian 1am looking for food.. we walk fr aljunied to maperson road
till we found some store that is still open~ well.. got open also sucky food..haiz... me and my poor stomach.. :(

well b4 that.. in the afternoon.. really nth to do.. keep upgrading my blog wif some poll *as u can see below*.. hehe... tt my 1st poll wif stupid question and some stupid answer.. and only 3 person TAKE part the POLL.. I mean WAT THE HELL.. so long le... only 3person viewing this Blog.. well feel like deleting this Blog. so i pray to tee kong pls bring passer-by and log in this BLog pls pls pls~ and the tag board~ it god damn quiet..~ :(

mean while... been helping huiling^_^ wif her blog. haha... i noe it quite stupid only a cat @ the background wif nth else... well.. AS long she like it... i make for her lor.. keke.. but puting tt as a background i haf to ask my ex-classmate how to do it.. thankz god he noe how to resize tt picture.. so i wan to thankz him~ *thankz hanson~*

o ya.. charmanine and KS.. Happy 1mth anni!! may BLessing pour a upon u 2~ =P

ok lar... quite late le.. and i quite smell~ so gonna take a bath, then maybe play some games then haf my see the future dream haha..

Sunday, May 25, 2003

hmm i wanna test link... by pressing here will bring u to see my little devil.
plus there.. it has a BACK button. press it to come back here..
thankz for the support.
pls comment abit hor..
**i trying to bring in new frenz**

Which X2 Character Are You?

well well~ the basketball today for me is a failure.. -.- can't really run... can't really shoot.. coz the weather is god damn hot!!
b4 our the basketball... we ATE the wan ton mee... wellz.. the MEE is nice lor... but i dun really like the fried wan ton... taste so suck lor!
and cost us $4. cannot ta han so EXPENSIVE!!
played BB till abt 3pm. went home.. watch the story of mr bean.. now then i noe the history of Mr bean~ wellz... his acting is funny though... but no matter wat
still look like a idiot to me.. :X
Abt 6 i slept till now 11:45pm~
well now on the blog..
< a href="http://wheneverithinkofyou.blogspot.com/">