< a href="http://wheneverithinkofyou.blogspot.com/"> Music is My Life: 12/07/2003 - 12/14/2003

Music is My Life

Call my name and save me fr the darkz..

Saturday, December 13, 2003

ok guys... sorry for not updating my blog for a long long long time... heard complain fr all of ya... "wat happen to your blog boy?" hmm.. explain abit... i quite lazy on those 2 mth.. saddening things happen in my life.. saw my crush got a bf.. family problem..blah blahz... u noe how sickening the feeling is?
hmm..well @ least now family problem solved.. and muahha.. my crushy bf also broke off.. well shld i be happy for me or sad for her lei? :X :X
but anyway.. last nite me and my whole cg went to lao pa sa to eat loh... hmm.. got satay stingray chicken wings... damn the satay... really i muz say... it very da good.. =D
then after dinner/supper my gan mei mei told me.. "hey u still like my sis anot?" i was like.. pai sae pai sae dunno how to reply.. well i can only say.. so wat if i like her... while she dun like me.. but meimei juz like keep encouraging me to jio her or smt ba... well..maybe gd things will happen on me lei?
o ya..forgot tell u all the reason for going to lao pa sa to eat... yup
i going NS on tuesday! 16/12/03 !!! damn it is so fast loh... it juz happen so fast tt a boy gotta go in and become a real MAN :P
so.. i wish to thankz... Hui Fang for being a gd leader in the cg.
Huiling, organzise for me the dinner..
Joyce for the Arga Arga :P
Jason for the stingray and Satay :)
Hweeting and Keena for knowing my little secret and haven told anyone.. -_-;
bunch of pig dog frenz.. Maoshun Ben Lim SEng louis and hanwei
JessLyn Complaing non stop.. :X
ok la... those who wanted me to thankz hor... juz tag ur name in the board... i think of reason to thank u.. :P

< a href="http://wheneverithinkofyou.blogspot.com/">