< a href="http://wheneverithinkofyou.blogspot.com/"> Music is My Life: 10/23/2005 - 10/30/2005

Music is My Life

Call my name and save me fr the darkz..

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

haha.. been so long.. but I really wanna post something today!

today I was in the police car.. Driving around geylang at 6pm. then i saw something which i think is funny.. a 45 - 50 yr old auntie ask a ah pek wanna have some "fun" anot.. the uncle is so old liao loh.. hair so white and so skinny whether can he elrect anot.. but I dunno wtf the auntie use to physco tt ah pek.. the ah pek ask for lower price i guess.. (was in the car not sure wat is happening) then they point the direction of the hotel. guess they went in for some great time ba..
well then my frenz say, tt aunite price shld be around $10 - $20(if she is gd. XD)

but wat in the world! tt ah pek looks so gentlemen, then still go there.. I mean if he that bored and rich.. go for more chio one de la.. get some china babes mah.. why tt auntie!!?
or get the $40 Thailand whores~! but anyway i hope he noe wat he thinking!
ok la.. go tt kind of place is not healthly la.. So kids that are reading.. pls ar.. dun ever visit there! or when u grow old u will continue going there one de loh~!!!

before driving to geylang was hanging around at kallang area was setting some laptop for some meeting. was inside the conference room's rest room.. haha the sercuity guard told us that someone died inside that room. Then we toking alot of ghost story there.. then suddenly my frenz need to go to the toilet. when he inside the toilet i was feeling bored trying to scare him. coz that is one switch to control the light and the shuttle of the fan.. so i was switching on and off around 5 times.. my frenz was scream at me.. but i think its normal to be scared due to so many story that we said!!

after he came out.. he PWNed me.. :( sad~~

Anyway i wanna speak out wat my mind been thinking.. i been doing alot of personalilty test. well i think it true loh! i'm the person that think frenz around me are very important one de.
without those brother wif me, i think there is no meaning in me le.. coz i been thinking, quite sad if they go out nv call you along. ya i think i will feel super sad! even a cup of coffee or a meal.. they nv call.. i think it be quite sad.. maybe i really treat frenz is really a very important thing to me. ok that just my view towards friends~!

Friends is really important so are family~ :D

kk sign off liao le..
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