< a href="http://wheneverithinkofyou.blogspot.com/"> Music is My Life: 11/06/2005 - 11/13/2005

Music is My Life

Call my name and save me fr the darkz..

Friday, November 11, 2005

BUSY Week!

i decided to blog today, coz my ps2 have no controller, as brought to the chalet, then left it there as they wanna winning eleven there! though the 1yr per chalet event is over. they took my controller and haven return me!
And my mom took my PSP for puzzle bubble, make me nth to play again.
As for PC, actually wanna dota to kill my time. but instead i wan the bandwidth for downloading stuff.. so i gave up all juz to blog! and let u all see wat i been going through this wk!

Very tired week i muz say, busy and tight, coz of the past event, had chalet, had event wif the PAP at kallang, got bible study. yet i was not tired at all!(k, was tired when i on my bed)
guess it was God who give me will to go on! as i really pray for StRength for me to go through this wk~!

let talk abt the chalet 1st~ :D
Day One (3/11/05) - most fun for me
ya when i reach pairs ris costal sand, when i juz open the door!
ya u guys might guess it, the guys are already installing the ps2 to the TV, wanna to start the winning Eleven. haha not sure why la, when all the guys heard WE9 ppl was so excited over it. juz plain playing 2hr juz pass like tt.
Soon our primary classmate called, saying they reaching ask us to drive them.
so hanwei and i drove over and fetch Xiao Xian and Ru Ting, damn they getting more and more cute. *drool*
but anyway when we reach back chalet, ya WE9 again, but then i spend time toking to them instead. haha
so after the game stop, everyone go to the PIT and start the BBQ. (now treat everyone reached, and BBQ have ended)
around 8pm keat siang called and ask us to go meet him at download east juz to companny him to the chalet, but then louis and i go, and started going to play arcade.. :D
ya was fun la.. playing the drum game, though quite long nv touch... but still haven lost touch. hehe.
but quite pissed at the counter guy la, i gave him $5 and i said i wan top up $2 only for the game, but damn he go and top up $5 for me. then i told him tt i only wan $2 he juz stick his tounge, becoz of the $5! he make me play the drum more~! like go there waste $.
then when we go back to the chalet, toking cock there, toking abt our primary 6 life, how we been "ze mo" by Mrs Yap(our Bao Gao Liao P6 teacher)
explain how she slap us etc etc how many tons of homework throw at us.
How we play "Stock Market"(copy homeowork) in the morning.
now only my class noe the pain!
k b4 the thing end. we took some picture. i will post the pic up see somewhere around the blog.
k went slp after tt.

Day 2 (4/11/05) - Last day for me

it a Bright sunny 10am Morning!! it was discussed that we will go swimming b4 we sleep the day b4. but wow.. we slept at around 2 or 3, we actaully woke up at 9 and go swimming at 10am.
during the swim session, we try to link up to swim from one end to another end.
it was around 6ppl long chain! but we start from low number 1st.
2 by 2 1st -> pass
3 by 3 -> almost die.
then we decided to haf 6! -> dun even dare to try!
after swimming it around 1pm. but louis have to go back sch for some briefing. so we went TP to have our lunch, after that we went loyang point's PARTY WORLD to sing our hearts out!
when we came back for chalet ya BBQ again. then around 11pm i gtg coz the following saturday i gonna work for PAP event.
so i think i miss out all the fun!

k.. as for my wk. it juz plain work, tired and more tired. but today i went to my Police HQ to port some Table PC for ourself! yea! imagine now my workstation is a table PC. song!
well gonna try DOTA on it! shld be quite fun!
imagine u can touch screen to play! so cool rite?!

k la. i think i stop liao.. coz i think been writing nonsense maybe i super tired now..
cannot think properly!
well.. see u guys nx wk then! think i shld be able to think and write better on tt day!
signning off!

check out the new skin!
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