< a href="http://wheneverithinkofyou.blogspot.com/"> Music is My Life: 11/13/2005 - 11/20/2005

Music is My Life

Call my name and save me fr the darkz..

Sunday, November 13, 2005

yea today i went to watch Emily Rose wif 2 ben and louis. quite nice and scary!
it talks abt how Emily Rose pocesses by 6 devil~ Cain, Judas, Nero, Lucifer.. still got 2 i forgot.
maybe u guys can do a google search on it, if u are keen to know.
coz it still based on a truth story.
After watching, been discussing abt the show, it really seem like it a very disturbing show.. coz while i blogging the image still show clearly on my mind.
even when i reach home, it was quite dark.. then i tot of the show, Damn it really disturbing, haf to pray in tounge abit to clam myself down. but when i turn on some music, really clam me down completly.

But the show is really quite disturbing also la, not coz of the story but it abt the film! coz got some lines floating around.. making me cannot enjoy the show.
then louis was complaing the show is very sian, while i watching trying to catch the story.. so i juz ignore him :X

ok ppl, i dun wan give spoiler of this movie, u guys go and haf a look for this movie.. it really gif a disgusting feeling after watching.. i give this 3½/5 for this movie.

Haha, after the movie, i went to get the post card, once i saw it.. aiyer.. damn disturbing, dun even wanna keep it.. go to the nearby dustbin and throw it. i scared i got nightmare after keeping it. HAHA~ :X

ok la.. late le.. tml still got church, haf to wake up early.
tml i shall continue my complaing! coz Saturday afternoon happen alot.. wanna verge it out all here!

bye and may the Lord be wif u~!
< a href="http://wheneverithinkofyou.blogspot.com/">