< a href="http://wheneverithinkofyou.blogspot.com/"> Music is My Life: 01/29/2006 - 02/05/2006

Music is My Life

Call my name and save me fr the darkz..

Thursday, February 02, 2006

aww... just got another news! a very tiring news!
another performance on Sunday!!

so that means after fri,sat chingay.. the following nx day got another Performance, perform for our very own PM.

aww.. i already make my plan le for this sunday. the very 1st moment i got the Msg.. i was shocked! thinking to myself, "WTH! another gig?!, oh my, my activity haf to cancel again!" but i decided to stay strong! as God Honours every sacrifice!

cause wat am i been doing it all for God! at least i did something b4 i go up to heaven~!

But seriously i have to pray hard for my health~ i think it getting worst.. my face have been very red.. i fear Fever will strike me any time~
so friend of mine.. see this msg.. pls pray for me.. i really tired


Your Birthdate: October 17

You tend to find yourself lucky - both in business and in life.
And while being wealthy is nice, you enjoy sharing your abundance with others.
You put your luck to good use: you are very ambitious and goal oriented.
Often times, you get over excited and take on more than you can manage.

Your strength: Your ability to make your own luck

Your weakness: Thinking you can do it all

Your power color: Bronze

Your power symbol: Half Moon

Your power month: August
another day slacking in office, as boss is not around in office~ haha
so i decided to blog during office hours. (anyway lunch time soon, no harm rite?)

Chingay is drawing near and near le~~ the preview will start tml, (Friday,3/2/06) and the real thingy that will show on national TV will be on Saturday 4/2/06.

So training it getting more and more tight. i pulling and pushing the tower, i think it drain almost my 80% energy.. haha seriously this long hours of "training" i think it worst then SOC. haha.. it is so so TIRED~!
Ya, i believed i forgot to do some minor warm up b4 the training.. while pushing the tower, and pulling down the curtain, i felt a sudden cramp.. wahaha.. it gonna be the worst cramp i ever haf!! then i drop down, and touching my leg groaning in pain.. but after 10min of rest.. i do some skrecting.. ya then feel much better~

the training haf cause me to reach home around 12am.. bath and haf to slp le.. not going to have any night life for me.. till chingay its over. as The next day i still have work, at 830am~

and ya.. because of the training, haha the tapes i own ru ting, i have yet to pass to her.. haha almost a wk already.. i hope she still remember the story~ haf to postpond till sunday night then can pass to her, i guess~ -.-

And for louis! pls la... u forget to bring the oranges.. then nvm la.. no need come back and give back the oranges to my mom.. so funny loh..
anyway we got so many oranges le.. more then enough le.. haha..

but WB, remember! sunday we gonna go every member house and pai nian~ :D
juz a reminder!

kk.. now offical lunch time le.. time to go SimLimSquare le.. :D

Sunday, January 29, 2006

hey everyone!
today is the 1st day of lunar new yr huh!
it the year of the dog!! *wooooF* (Who let dog out~!)

so think most of you can collect some hong bao from family and relative ain i right?
haha coz personally i have collected around 5 already. 2 from parent, 3 from relative.
lets see... i shld be able to collect and 10 -15 of hong bao from my relative and friends~! *HUAT ar!!*

i really do not know why! why every year new, i only thinking of the riches from the hong bao, yet nv thought of the love and concern from my family and friends.
sometime maybe i really took them for granted. But today onwards i must change!!

don't know if they think of me in this way anot.. (Lazy, hot-temper,greedy, xiao qi) blah blah..
maybe i do haf times like that. but i decided to change, not to be the point tt i pin-pointed.
you guys shld see a new yihang in no time~! ^^;

anyway i lost some weight again.. wow.. it another 2kg man.. think all the less food help alot man.. i was like eat half of wat i used to eat~ no midnight snack, no tea break.
then went for jogging and hitting the gym.
wow, lose weight make me more healthly! more zhi xin! more happy feeling!!
best of all no stress!! make me kan kai alot of stuff!!

so by the end of 3mth, if i continue like these, i hope to lose 5-8kg?
look more handsome~~ hhaaha.. :d

weee, tml is 2nd day of lunar new already! those ppl are invited pls come over my house for a dinner ok?! dun put aeroplane!! after the dinner we might go out for a movie!!!



Hope to see u all soon!!
< a href="http://wheneverithinkofyou.blogspot.com/">