< a href="http://wheneverithinkofyou.blogspot.com/"> Music is My Life: 09/07/2003 - 09/14/2003

Music is My Life

Call my name and save me fr the darkz..

Thursday, September 11, 2003

guess wat.. my hair which cut yesterday is not even 24hr.. i already cut it againz..
wif 2 line @ my left side.. well guess it look cool... cut more like beckam liao le..
alot of my frenz say my hair rock.. well..to my mother side..
haha... a scolding is confirm got one de ... lol
die la.. dunno how to explain to my parents~

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

quite happy wif my 2.4 result.. :P abt 68 student running.. i was position 21st.. :P ^^v
then pull up.. ar... a nv done b4 thingy... muhaha... i can do 2 though.. :P
now it abt my hair.. oh my... it damn short loh.. can't even do a spike.. :(
the only long hair is my tail only.. :(
now gonna think of way to to style my hair liao le..

Tuesday, September 09, 2003

today having my interfacing test..well... shld be done in a gd way?
well.. MMS sms and shouting all around for answer.. guess will get high also ba?
well let hope so..
haiz tml it nafa!! gonna do the 2.4km... 5station... all in one day.. aww. it gonna be so tired..
everything i 'm not scared.. cept for the pull up.. i dun wan to go to Ns to get early paid.. :(

o ya.. been working on flash.. currently trying to make a jukebox.. so tt nx time u guys can come and play a song.. or skip song or stop a song.. :P otherwise u guys will be crazy and not coming back to my blog.. :]

gonna prepare for my nafa tml liao le.. how u asked? of coz slp early loh..
but hard to slp now though.. coz now all in my mind.. it FLASH FLASH AND MORE FLASH..
jukebox jukebox jukebox..
when i'm success.. u guys will noe it one de.. :)

Sunday, September 07, 2003

yeah..the long nv update picture is updated.. wif a new design..
dun haf anytime to design though.. so juz anyhow make liao le.. :P
the misc picture is still under construction.. so the link will not be working..
< a href="http://wheneverithinkofyou.blogspot.com/">