< a href="http://wheneverithinkofyou.blogspot.com/"> Music is My Life: 06/29/2003 - 07/06/2003

Music is My Life

Call my name and save me fr the darkz..

Thursday, July 03, 2003

hoho... bought Warcraft3 Expansion set.. and cost me $50!
omg.. this few day eat grass liao le...
went to play the DJ rock fever3.. HOLY the game rocks... like almost all the song... and keep pressing and pressing it nv gonna STOP!
ok lar.. now this msg is short and simple and bored... o well.. i could't care much more!
i wan to play the EXPANSION liao le..!!

Wednesday, July 02, 2003

b4 i go to slp..
do some blogging..
today went drinking mocha wif KS they all... o ya.. drank @ the rocky cafe.. @ celinleisure there one de.. damn order one chocobit drink... well most of us order that.. damn it TASTE awful.. if u ask me... well it do lose out to coffee bean or starbuck.. cost 5:60 somemore T.T !!
then amit tt we like no life one de lor... went to the arcade above us.. omg the arcade once i inside.. i got one word in mind.. "this arcade suck"
damn.. all the game so old.. see liao also sianz..
went home and downloaded a new toy.. haha.. morph charm into adel..(picture click on the link) well charm and ks say the picture suck.. well.. did make me sian awhile.. it my 1st on that programe mahz.. u can't blame me rite?
well.. u not gonna see me using tt programe anymore dudes... coz~ after using 3 picture... it will ask u to buy the version.. o well.. not gonna waste my $ on that.. juz haf to wait for some crack so tt i can use it for free.. lala~

Hanwei louis ben ang.. some msg for u all.. 6 of us.. one of us is BIAS rite?!
we 4 noe can liao le... :X

Monday, June 30, 2003

ok guys~
my blog haven't update since June12 as my com got some problem.. can't this can't that... which i am fcking pissed wif it.. so till now i really cannot ta han le..
i go reformat my com..
ta-TA ... i'm back to this blog againz..

so so... really wan to see this blog active againz..
gonna take time to change all the template... changing all the design... soon.. ya and i mean. soon... i gonna create a skin for my own..
but now... i still playing wif my flash... working on something animation lor..
was playing wif my animation shop 3 last nite... and turn adel into a cat

well.. adel dun mind ar... i post the picture here...

pls tag something ba... KS ..if u tag now... u got the chance to tag it 1st~!
dun say i bo remind u...

plus i was so panic.. i forgot my angel fire user name..
heng i recall it back..

see adel become a cat here

< a href="http://wheneverithinkofyou.blogspot.com/">