< a href="http://wheneverithinkofyou.blogspot.com/"> Music is My Life: 01/30/2005 - 02/06/2005

Music is My Life

Call my name and save me fr the darkz..

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Gd Day my fellow blog mate.. haha i noe it been weeks i update this blog of mine.. and *someone* keep saying it getting Rot again.. anyway u guys shld noe i not really good at writing but i still gonna post it, coz i really got alot of exciting thing to share!! :P

most of you shld noe i'm inside the chingay 2005 event.. and yes.. last sat 29/1/05, it the day that we have a sneak preview of the chingay, been doing the movement for the guest that spend $8(i think) to see.. haha.. shld be counted as successful ba.. coz we really gif our all.. *dunno abt the other,but i did.. * :D
1st let me tell where is my postition. When u guys turn on the Tv on feB19 which is a Sat, when a tower is coming out, then see a siao kia that is hanging on the tower.. the person on top is ME!! so i gonna be on Tv no matter wat.. MUHAHAHA..
ok on 29 of Jan is really a shag day for me la.. after the chingay preview, it around 1045pm le.. then still gotta rush to Hanwei's bDay.. which last me till around 1:15am.. then the nx day i still morning church service.. at 9am!! tt means i gotta wake up at 6am.. then worst.. i got my strikeforce dinner on the very nite!! wow.. i mean where all my energy came from..
i muz say it muz be the Grace of God!! Praise him :P
the dinner is so short!! i was having so much fun then.. but it end at 1015 only.. then after tt meet Jess and Maoshun outside church to go home.. tot sitting on the train will slp.. but yet i did't slp. i'm so proud of myself at tt time.. hah can ta han till so long.. but then.. monday is my sleeping day.. as i took leave.. hehe.. wah waste my whole day sleeping. .coz was abt to register for my car licsence.. but lazy la.. =X

Thanks Ben Lim came back from Bangkok and bought back my volka.. fr the DFS store.. haha cost only $22 so cheap..

ok la... I really hope you all can make the effort to see the chingay show.. not bcoz got me la.. :X =X
but the show is really nice.. all the movement so sharp, then got chio bu.. :X
then i think if u can go in chingay, means u are there already le.. so boys and girls.. really go try the talent hunt 2006 nx yr!! it worth every single of ur time..

ok la.. dunno wat to write liao le.. shld be time for me to slp le.. tml still got to work.. but shld be a slack day.. coz BIG BOSS on course.. haha finally the unknown pressure is gone agian for 3 days.. :D hehe..
he is such a parrot. .keke :D

tml at work i write more... coz brain going offline le. :D
< a href="http://wheneverithinkofyou.blogspot.com/">