< a href="http://wheneverithinkofyou.blogspot.com/"> Music is My Life: 02/27/2005 - 03/06/2005

Music is My Life

Call my name and save me fr the darkz..

Sunday, February 27, 2005

ok.. Finally CHINGAY 2005 is over!!
hee, hope the intro will tell you how come i did't manage to update my blog..
chingay was fun, it my 1st time doing such a big event.. imagine a boring guy like me managed to stir up the crowds @ orchard rD wif the rest of my strikeforce frenz.. u might be thinking wat we do at chingay.. as u all can see at the live/repeated telecast.. CHC's event is at the 2nd last event.. which i think the best.. :X i'm the one doing the climbing up the "tower" and put the mask..
Tv got show abit of me.. around 6-7sec.. :)
but the effort did pay off.. imagine on Vday we have no chocolate no flowers only sweat!! during the pratisce.. it gd tt we finish everything on time..
yea most importantly we doing for GoD, for He is the one provide us the str! amen~ :D

ok let tok abit of today event..
today Pst Ulf, preech abt Our calling..
which i think it very true.. ya.. Our calling from is really important,
once God gif u the calling, cherish it!! The Path might be narrow, but once u finish the Race, You will become so blessed tt u can't contain it.. so much u gotta gif it awy..
when if u dun answer to the calling.. the side effect i shall not said.. :)
but it for own gd.. :)
And yes.. during the service... Pst kong say "It better to bless then recevied" so he ask his helper to throw pst ulf's to most of the ppl..
and the Book HIT my head!! and Thanks God.. i caught on the book..
so i counted quite bless.. coz the book coz around $22. :D

As for later event.. which gone to charmaine bday..
i was sitting there.. sian nth to do, see ppl play mahjong, been raped and eat nice bbq food fr the guys and not the gers..
and act like a fool there..
basically... go there.. slack.. and do nth. :)
abit waste of time i guess.. hehe..
but well..
i still Wish Charmaine a wonderful, 19th bday!!
and to tt ger.. who cut the banana Cake.. Get a Life!! play ur CAKE! :D
no offence~~ :D
< a href="http://wheneverithinkofyou.blogspot.com/">