< a href="http://wheneverithinkofyou.blogspot.com/"> Music is My Life: 07/27/2003 - 08/03/2003

Music is My Life

Call my name and save me fr the darkz..

Saturday, August 02, 2003

yea.. been such a busy wk.. finally i back wif the blogging thingy..
got alot of project then haf to design webby for my sch.. changing the link all these.. and of coz.. I'M NOT PAID!
but counted to CCA.. blahz such crappy Xcuses..
aiyoh.. still got 5 more project need to chiong.. think of it i sian liao wor...

haiz.. why ppl still think i like got alot of problem especially come to relationshipz..
i already state liao wat... not going to find gf or something.. juz wan to live a very fun cool single life mah...
though i told some of them.. i wan to jio tt ger or smt.. it like only wan to boost up the toking mahz.. making the tok more "LIFE" mahz
ar boh tok to me sure sian sian one de mahz.. =p
heard fr ben lim.. i kena said i wan to jio tt Carrie fr E18.. aiyoh.. i mean wtf.. see her chio i muz jio liao meh..
aiyoh.. huifang huifang ar... u ar.. been my leader.. this kind of thing u also wan to discuss wif them..
sian la.. spriritual dairy cannot write so many to u liao le la..
now the problem is.. i have a BIG hole in my wallet loh.. this kind of thing u wan discuss u discuss la.. dicussing abt those.. GBR thingy..
2 word for ya.. "BO LIAO"

and also.. ben told me abt huiling.. ya so? so wat wif the neoprint... it only a picture... though the NP dun haf hug or smt.. juz 2 idiot acting cute...
aww.. doesn't concern me rite? wat for i been jealous.. if i jealous hor.. i jump down liao le..
i got a new life liao le la.. huiling to me.. she only a frenz.. tt all..
well... usually when i online.. i will juz scroll my msn list.. and tok to the ger on the list..
but now lei... i haf no mood loh... or shld i say feeling lazy..
this kind of thingy.. muz both party got feeling then can work de mahz..

those ppl who msg me only.. those need my help then msn.. haiz.. feel so used.. :D
now hor.. my goal.. juz wan to get more close to my gang..
felt tt the GAP is like quite big liao le.. abit cannot ta han le.. becoz of GBR thingy loh..
once one of them got GF ..the gap become so big... haiz.. || As for now... eVeryone so broke.. everyone is single..
guess this is the chance to get noe each other More and more better... =P
well who gonna start? guess only me who is tt bo liao will go and think... so i will be THE ONE!

study study study.. get gd result... then hehe :D

tml is ben bday.. tot got Free lunch... chey.. but no.. he going out wif his whole family for Bday party... blah blahz..
so guess haf to postpond.. well... anyway... BestesT wishes to Benlim and Jason.. whose Bday fall on the August 3Rd..
bought a Bag for ben.. yea.. he like it very much.. *thankz god~*
think stop here liao le... but u guys... stay tuned for our upcoming song!! "Feng Kuang Shi Jie"
we'll be playing soon!!
**NEED DRUMMER PLS MSN TO ME @ wind_soh@hotmail.com !!!**
< a href="http://wheneverithinkofyou.blogspot.com/">