< a href="http://wheneverithinkofyou.blogspot.com/"> Music is My Life: 01/02/2005 - 01/09/2005

Music is My Life

Call my name and save me fr the darkz..

Saturday, January 08, 2005

sigh~ wat a week for me!! been running around my station to do computer audit to gather information, after getting information still muz key in database.. such a tried wk!!
dunno how much longer i can hold on neh.. :
work work work, work like a regular officer.. yet i only get NS pay... haiz, o ya.. still got the Tsunami case.. sunday still got wat memorial service, i mean not many was found dead mah.. scully still someone can swim out alive the water mah.. so fast hold wat memorial service!!
at least wait a few month mah... it not even a month, yet hold the memorial service liao le.. gif me more work to do only... sigh!! ANd Nx monday.. 10 of Jan is the audit.. i feel so dead.. :
today saturday..by right no need to work.. but still haf to go back and finish my stuff.. haha.. but go there also.. do nth much.. keep on thinking of zha bo... wat if all SG ger all wear mini skirt then got wind blow very violently then hoho.. :D *ok thinking nonsense.. *

Chingay is coming!! ok.. i not on duty at chingay.. but i got to perform at chingay.. ok la.. it a great chance to show off my *ahem* talent.. but also very tiring.. i really feel that 24 hour is not enough for me.. this sunday muz show the PA ppl le.. sigh so nervous and lost..

Aiyah.. today SHE concert lei... by right can go and enjoy the concert one de.. but so sad cannot get the tix i wan.. coz i dun wan to sit at the boncany, nor the place i can only see "ant".. all the $148 tix all sold out le.. make my mood so low..

hmm.. this few day keep on raining and raining.. when u gonna STOP? gif me time to enjoy the sun lei.. i still wanna go jogging one de lei... juz bexoz of the rain.. sigh~~
and i feel i getting weaker.. think coz of the rain ba.. kena abit.. always feel headache.. feel like vomiting... wanna slp... but can't get to slp.. this wk is really a terrible wk:(

hmm.. hanwei bday is coming.. heard he wan a Ipod lei.. how many ppl sharing i also dunno... but think each one of us haf to fork out $90 for it.. >_<;; but bday one yr one time.. think it can be done.. :D think my bday i can ask for more le.. ^^; well.. heard abt the Goal setting from Pst kong.. hahah... i like one part.. find a gf!!! maybe it time haha.. haiz.. haven find a rite one.. either all too young.. around 15-17.. ar boh.. those 18-20, all kind of reject me.. or i dun even wanna look at them.. :X God ar God.. when u gonna bless me one fairly fr heaven and let me haf happiness for the rest of my days?

yr 2005 Goal :

  • (1) going to get car licsence le.. muz make time for it.. then drive big car.. driving around singapore.. :D
  • (2) Go for part time study for Computer technology.. at MDIS.. no way i gonna study at infomatics, tt stupid profit making school.. MDIS, the price is reasonable.. haf the course i wan.. hmm.. time to upgrade myself eh??
  • (3) lose weight.. 10kg by end of Nov.. :) so can refill on Xmas.. :D kakaka
  • (4) get a Girlfrenz!!, my mom is worrying i can't get it.. muz prove to her!!
  • (5) haf a better relationship wif my Zhu peng gou you -> Ben Lim&Ang, Hanwei,louis,Seng~
    and Cg member.. muz grow a more healthier relationship..
    (6) a portable Playstation.. or a DS.. tt new game boy wif dual screen.. :D
    a PDA...
    (7) Last but not least.. get into more spiritual life, haf a greater relationship wif God.. muz grow more spiritual wif him.. increase my prayer time.. :) Finish my Bible study by this yr..

    hmm.. tt abt it.. well.. i hope u all can see that i quite stress out.. so my attitude is getting worst and worst.. my mood swing quite fast now.. so who i offended i apologise for wat i said and i haf i done.. coz due to my workload now... i dun really can take slightly insult.. so gif me more time for me to get my mood swing to my normal mode.. which i think it will be around chinese new yr ba.. :D

    Thanks for Reading!! :)

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